Mandatory Credit: Photo by REX USA (2642870a) Hayat Boumeddiene, far right Hayat Boumeddiene 'appears in Islamic State film' - 06 Feb 2015 The latest video released by French-speaking Islamic state (ISIS), fighters may be Hayat Boumeddiene, who is believed to have knowledge about the deadly January 9, 2015 attack on a Paris kosher grocery,The video, titled "Blow Up France 2," was released Tuesday and shows an ISIS fighter praising previous attackers in France and calling for new attacks. The video shows a woman standing next to the speaker, wearing camouflage clothing and holding a weapon. French authorities are investigating the possibility this woman could be Hayat Boumeddiene. Her husband, Amedy Coulibaly, killed four hostages January 9 at a kosher grocery in Paris, authorities said. He was killed by police in a rescue and the remaining hostages fled to safety.
Está circulando na internet uma imagem que supostamente mostra uma mensagem via whatsapp com uma ameaça terrorista contra o Brasil.
Ainda sem a confirmação da autenticidade da imagem, não é possível dizer se a ameaça é real ou uma montagem. Apesar disso, mostra uma suposta data para o ataque.
A imagem ganha a atenção dos brasileiros após a confirmação de uma ameaça terrorista confirmada na semana passada. (veja aqui)